You have insights in your footprint, now what?
The reduction roadmap
The reduction roadmap is a plan that outlines the steps we will take to reduce your overall emissions. It details specific actions and strategies as well as high level resources needed to achieve the milestones defined. The key components of the plan:
Baseline assessment of the current environmental impact
Goals and targets for reducing emissions and timelines
Longer term strategies to reduce waste, implement durable energy and increasing resource efficiencies.
Standard processes improvement for selecting partners/suppliers
Offsetting options for remaining emissions.
Regular check-ins and progress reviews.
Overall, the reduction roadmap is a comprehensive plan for achieving your business’s sustainability goals.
Sustainability as part of your core values
Successful climate positive companies have sustainability embedded in their companies DNA. We want to help you to make sustainability part of your core values. It starts with clearly defining and communicating your sustainability values and goals. Create a culture that encourage employees to take an active role and considering the environmental impact of every action and choice they make. If you do this well, this can be a key differentiator in the market. One that grows your business and attracts talent and we want to help you to get there.